Wellness in Wardrobe: The Intersection of Fashion and Food

In today's wellness-conscious world, I've come to appreciate how mindfulness can extend beyond the food we eat and the practices we adopt. It can infiltrate every aspect of our lives, including our fashion choices. In this blog post, I'll take you on a personal journey, drawing from my experiences transitioning from a fashion-crazed shopaholic to a more mindful consumer—which I might add is a continual work in progress that I am continuing to lean into on an almost daily basis. I'll delve into the dynamic relationship between wellness and fashion, shedding light on how the principles we apply to our health can seamlessly integrate into our wardrobe.

My Shopaholic Past: The Quest for Surface-Level Style In my early twenties and thirties, I found myself trapped in the grip of shopaholism. With every paycheck, I'd embark on a whirlwind of fast fashion purchases, driven by the desire to always appear 'in style.' My closet was bursting with the latest trends, yet my inner sense of well-being remained unfulfilled.

I was too focused on how I looked on the outside, neglecting the more profound connection between how I dressed and how I felt inside.

Quality Over Quantity: A Mindful Shift in Wardrobe Choices As I embarked on my wellness journey, I began to see the parallels between nurturing my body and my wardrobe. Just as I learned to prioritize wholesome, nutrient-rich foods for my health, I started to opt for clothing made from sustainable, high-quality fabrics. Organic cotton, Tencel, and other eco-conscious choices became my go-to, reflecting a commitment to sustainability, just as my food choices supported the planet and my health.

The Art of Curated Wardrobe: Buying Less, Choosing Wisely Transitioning from a shopaholic mindset to a mindful fashionista involves embracing the art of a curated wardrobe. I learned the value of owning fewer items of better quality, mirroring the pursuit of lasting well-being.

Just as fast fashion offers temporary satisfaction but contributes to long-term problems, I found that timeless, versatile pieces brought stability and balance to my wardrobe.

Investment Pieces: A Fashion Epiphany One of my most profound realizations was the importance of investment pieces. Instead of being lured into buying something new for every occasion, I discovered the joy of timeless, high-quality items. This transition paralleled the shift from seeking superficial self-soothing through shopping to embarking on deep inner work for long-lasting contentment.

From Fashion to Wellness: A Personal Journey My path towards wellness and mindful fashion is enriched by a unique fashion background, having studied fashion and textile design for six years. After graduating from University, I worked at prominent fashion magazines, including Cosmopolitan in Australia and Harper's Bazaar in the U.K., before delving into the cyclical and seasonal buying office of a department store. My corporate fashion experience only deepened my understanding of the fashion industry. However, it was the transition into the food and wellness sectors that marked a transformative moment in my life. The knowledge and experiences from my fashion journey merged with my newfound wellness principles to create a holistic approach to life.

The transformation from a shopaholic lifestyle to mindful fashion choices has been a profound journey of self-discovery.

As I've learned to nourish my body from the inside out, I've also understood the profound connection between what we wear and how we feel.

In the intersection of wellness and fashion, the principles we apply to our health can be seamlessly extended to our wardrobe. Choosing sustainable fabrics, opting for quality over quantity, investing in timeless pieces, and doing deep inner work can transform not just our fashion but our well-being as a whole.

And, if my husband is reading this—no, this outfit is not new, and no, I don’t know what’s inside the packages in the back of my closet!

Cursive font reading "x Elisa" as personalized signature by Elisa Henry Morton, CEO of Eat Heal Move

Meet Elisa

As a Mama, wife, CEO, executive, and fertility advocate, Elisa is passionate about redefining motherhood.


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