Salmon and Zucchini Frittata

Eat Heal Move's Salmon and Zucchini Frittata

Quick Notes:

Prep time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 90 minutes

Serves: 4

Allergens: GF / DF



  • 1 onion, roughly chopped

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil + extra for greasing

  • 1 clove garlic, minced

  • 4-5 medium zucchini (approx 2lbs), grated, and excess water squeezed out

  • 6 large eggs

  • 6oz tin wild salmon in spring water or brine, drained and mashed with a fork

  • 1 tablespoon flat-leaf parsley, chopped

  • Sea salt + freshly ground black pepper


How to make the frittata:

  1. Pre-heat oven to 350°F.

  2. Grease the base and sides of a large baking dish.

  3. Saute onion with olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat until fragrant. Add garlic, grated zucchini, and cook over medium heat for a further 10 mins, stirring occasionally.

  4. Turn off heat and leave to cool, approx 20 minutes.

  5. In a mixing bowl, lightly beat eggs with a whisk, add the salmon and parsley. Fold in the cooled zucchini and onion mixture, season with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper. Mix until thoroughly combined.

  6. Pour the egg mixture into the prepared baking dish. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown and cooked when tested with a skewer or knife.

  7. Take out of the oven, leave to cool for 10-15 minutes before cutting into squares to serve.

  8. Serve with a seasonal salad of leafy greens.

Notes: This frittata makes a great grab-and-go lunch. Simply transfer individual slices to an airtight container and consume within 3-4 days. Can be eaten hot or cold.

Cursive font reading "x Elisa" as personalized signature by Elisa Henry Morton, CEO of Eat Heal Move

Meet Elisa

As a Mama, wife, CEO, executive, and fertility advocate, Elisa is passionate about redefining motherhood.


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