Kitchen Sink Granola

Eat Heal Move's Kitchen Sink Granola in a clear mason jar

Quick Notes:

Prep time: 5 mins

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

Serves: 4-6

Method: Oven



  • 2 cups GF rolled oats (quinoa flakes, hulled buckwheat, coconut flakes - or a mix of all)

  • 1/2 cup nuts (almonds, macadamias, hazelnuts, walnuts, or pecans)

  • 1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds/pepitas or sunflower seeds

  • 1/4 cup shredded coconut

  • 2 tbsp flaxseed

  • 2 tbsp chia seeds

  • 1/3 cup goji berries (chopped dates, raisins, cranberries, or sultanas)

  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • 1 tbsp maple syrup (raw honey or rice malt syrup)

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted


How to make the granola:

  1. Pre-heat oven to 350°F / 180°C

  2. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.

  3. Add all ingredients to a bowl, mix till combined.

  4. Spread the granola mix evenly on the pre-prepared tray.

  5. Bake in the oven for 10 mins, stir and bake for a further 5-10 mins until golden, being careful not to burn.

  6. Remove and allow to cool completely before storing.

Notes: This is delicious served with coconut yogurt and fresh fruit, as a cereal topper, or eaten straight from the jar - no judging!!

Cursive font reading "x Elisa" as personalized signature by Elisa Henry Morton, CEO of Eat Heal Move

Meet Elisa

As a Mama, wife, CEO, executive, and fertility advocate, Elisa is passionate about redefining motherhood.


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