Ginger and Lemon Elixir

Eat Heal Move ginger lemon elixir with grater

Quick Notes:

Prep time: 5 mins

Method: Stovetop

Serves: 1

Allergens: GF / DF / VG



  • 1 tsp Manuka (or raw) honey

  • 24 oz water


How to make the elixir:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a 24 oz mason jar.

  2. Bring the water to a boil and remove it from heat. Leave to stand for 1-2 minutes.

  3. Pour into the mason jar, and stir to combine, allow the flavors to infuse for a minute or two before sipping.

Notes: This recipe is loaded with benefits (see below)

  • Ginger: is great for alleviating digestive discomfort (gas, bloating) is immune-boosting, and helpful in lowering inflammation and fighting the common cold and flu.

Cursive font reading "x Elisa" as personalized signature by Elisa Henry Morton, CEO of Eat Heal Move

Meet Elisa

As a Mama, wife, CEO, executive, and fertility advocate, Elisa is passionate about redefining motherhood.


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